WAVES XTRA er et program for dialog, workshops for fagfolk og netværks- og videndelings-arrangementer for teaterprofessionelle, virksomheder, organisationer, studerende og forskere. WAVES XTRA 2019 er organiseret i tæt samarbejde mellem Den Danske Scenekunstskole – Efter- og videreuddannelse, Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst og Waves Festival.
Programmet for WAVES XTRA 2019 vil blive offentliggjort her meget snart.
WAVES XTRA er Waves Festivalens program for dialog, netværk og videndeling for professionelle. Arrangementerne er henvendt til producenter, udøvende scenekunstnere og andre fagfolk, såvel som institutioner, virksomheder, organisationer, studerende og forskere indenfor for scenekunst.
I 2017 afholdt Udviklingsplatformen deres tilbagevendende Producers’ Platform med internationale kapaciteter i samarbejde med Waves Xtra.
Som noget helt særligt havde vi indgået et samarbejde med danske og internationale partnere for at sætte fokus på dialog, samarbejde, vidensdeling og netværk med de østeuropæiske scenekunstorganisationer. Over tre dage blev programmet EAST IS EAST? afholdt med netværksmøder, seminar og workshops, hvor deltagerne var i dialog med festivaler, institutioner, producenter og netværk fra Bulgarien, Polen, Rumænien, Ungarn, Litauen, Georgien og Slovakiet m.fl.
Monday 21st August 10.00 – 17.30
Arranged by The Development Platform for the Performing Arts in collaboration with Waves Festival.
Creative producer in an international landscape: Between the local and global – between artistic creation and strategy.
The second Producers’ Platform will focus on how creative producers increasingly find themselves at two junctions – helping artists navigate between the local and the global and aiding artistic creation whilst ensuring a strategic and sustainable development.
We are delighted to welcome Kerstin Schroth, General Director of Mette Ingvartsen’s Brussels based company Great Investment. Kerstin will frame the day with a key-note talk where she will reflect on working as a producer in what may be described as a symbiotic relationship with Mette Ingvartsen – a truly international artist with a local connection.
Kerstin Schroth is a curator and arts manager who lives in Berlin and Paris, a graduate in Cultural Studies from the University of Hildesheim, Germany. After a period of 10 years as a production manager for international festivals, she founded in 2006 the annual summer bar during the festival Tanz im August, a programme which she curated for 6 years. Since 2006 she has also been the company manager of Great Investment. Besides, Kerstin lectures at the university of Gießen, K3 Hamburg, Sommerakademie Berlin and at DOCH in Sweden.
The exact programme of the day as well as the preparation required from participants will be advertised on 15th August. Participants will be asked to use their own practice as case and to reflect on it.
So, come and join us for a whole day in Vordingborg. For people based in Copenhagen, a bus will depart from Udviklingsplatformen’s office at Otto Busses Vej 5a at 8:30am, returning from Vordingborg at around 10pm.
Bus, Producers’ Platform and lunch are free.
EARLY BIRD OFFER: Tickets to see the performance ‘MOEDER’ by Peeping Tom at Vordingborg Theatre on the evening of the 21st is FREE, and dinner before the show can be purchased for 120 kr. – just make sure to book before 10th August.
Read more about Producers’ Platform at www.udviklingsplatformen.dk
Transportation: Free bus from Copenhagen leaving at around 8.30am, and returning from Vordingborg at around 10pm (sign up for the bus when you register).
Price: Producers’ Platform incl. lunch is free of charge.
Register for Producers’ Platform here: PRODUCERS’ PLATFORM
Deadline for registration:Thursday 17th August
Tuesday 22nd August 2017 10.00 –15.00
A think-lab to build connections and develop networks between Danish and East European performing art scenes
Performing art scenes in Eastern Europe are both facing great challenges and gaining great momentum as hubs of creativity. If you are interested learning more or discovering potential partners for future collaboration then come and meet representatives and partners from EEPAP, the East European Performing Arts Platform.
The East European Performing Arts Platform supports the development of contemporary performing arts in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe through lab meetings, workshops, residency programs, research projects and educational programs with the aim of facilitating the international exchange of artists, professionals, curators and thinkers.
MEET EEPAP is a think-lab introducing EEPAP, its partners and its work with the aim strengthening collaboration and building networks between the Danish and East European performing art scenes. International participants include the EEPAP secretariat (PL), Temps d’Images (RO), ACT Association (BG) and TkH/Walking Theory (SRB).
Price: DKK 250 incl. lunch
Register for MEET EEPAP here: MEET EEPAP
Deadline for registration: Friday 18th August
For more information on the think-lab and international speakers download attached program Waves Xtra MEET EEPAP @ WAVES
Wednesday 23rd August 10.00 – 15.00
The voices and positions of emerging critical thinkers and curators from East European performing art scenes.
There is a growing movement that is connected to new performative frames and formats that engage artistically with current social, political and cultural issues and which are, in their nature, the enactment of citizenship. How are independent performing arts scenes in Eastern European countries artistically navigating through the current European climate? What challenges do they face and what issues and audiences are they engaging with? Is there an emerging aesthetic that is developing in response to current political and social concerns in East European countries and that reflects on the relationship between East and West in a broader European context?
The East is East? seminar introduces the voices and positions of emerging critical thinkers and curators from Eastern Europe and focuses on current artistic and aesthetic discourse, looking critically at some of these questions. International guest speakers include Slavko Kacunko (Croatia), Panna Adorjáni (Hungary), Kristina Savickienė and Agné Pulokaité (Lithuania), Marta Keil (Poland), Ana Vujanović (Serbia) and Iulia Popovici (Romania).
Price: DKK 250 incl. lunch and students: DKK 150 incl. lunch
Register for the East is East? Seminar here: EAST IS EAST? SEMINAR
Deadline for registration: Friday 18th August
For more information on the seminar and international speakers download attached Waves Xtra Seminar on Contemporary Performativity and Aesthetics in Eastern Europe.
Thursday 24th August 10.00 – 15.00
While there are good examples of cooperation and exchange between the performing art scenes in Denmark and Eastern Europe, these are relatively few, especially in regard to performing art festivals. Yet at the same time, the growing festivalisation of both these cultural scenes has opened greater possibilities for interaction and mobility across borders.
Performing art festivals need to be constantly growing their networks, developing new partnerships and exploring new horizons. This workshop aims at creating a space where performing art festivals from Denmark can meet to develop ideas and explore new opportunities for increased collaboration and co-production with 12 performing art festivals from Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia, Georgia and Bulgaria.
Price: DKK 250 incl. lunch
Register for the Festival collaboration workshop here: FESTIVAL COLLABORATION WORKSHOP
For more information see this Waves Xtra Festival Collaboration Workshop.
I 2015 blev der udarbejdet en rapport om Egnsteaterkonferencen, der var en del af Waves Xtra programmet. Rapporten kan læses her.
Waves Xtra EAST IS EAST? Dialogue Program is supported by: