The programme for WAVES Festival 2019 is out now!
More than 40 shows will be presented from 25-31. August with artists from 12 different countries. There are 4 different indoor performances that requires admission fee. They play respectively, 2, 4, 2 and 2 times. They are shown at Vordingborg Theatre, at DGI Huset and at a secret venue, which you will get to know after you have bought your ticket.
The outdoor programme is free! And please be aware that two of the performances will only appear once. So keep an eye on the schedule for Friday and Saturday night. The outdoor programme will appear in Valdalsparken, in the yard by STARS and on the parking lot behind Aldi at Prince Jørgens Allé, at Slotstorvet, Ruinterrænet and in Algade. We guarantee that there is something for everyone, children and adults, young and old. Check the program here and get the days in your calendar in a hurry. If you would to have the printed programme in your hand, please order at +45 28 15 95 43.
See you in August.