WAVES XTRA is a program of dialogue, workshops for professionals, network and knowledge sharing events for theatre professionals, companies, organizations, students and researchers. Waves Xtra 2019 is organized in a close cooperation between the Danish National School of Performing Arts Further Education and the Development Platform For Performing Arts and Waves Festival.
See the full programme for Waves Xtra 2019 below.
MONDAY the 26th of August
1O.OO – 13.OO
We are proud to present this absolutely unique chance to work with one of the equilibristic and creative dancers from the Belgian dance company Peeping Tom. The dancers are admired for their original technique and the strong images they create in the hyper realistic universes of the performances, as the company’s work finds itself on the borderline between theatre and contemporary dance. In their choreographies the prevailing logic of time, space and atmosphere is questioned.
Teacher is Brandon Lagaert.
“Groundbreaking aesthetic and dance quality that takes your breath away. The globally acclaimed and distinguished troupe offers a highly intelligent work of art that goes far beyond genre boundaries.” Volksfreund (28.O4.2O19)
The workshop is targeted semiprofessional and professional dancers and is on a high level.
Max. 2O participants.
Venue: STARS
14.OO – 15.OO
These sessions function as a meeting place for all professionals (and others interested) at the festival. The artist talk aims at going in depth with the vision and creation method of the company.
Moderated by national theatre critic Monna Dithmer.
Entrance: Free
Venue: STARS, Alagde 84, Vordinborg
Price: 55O DKK including: bus, workshop, artist talk, lunch, dinner, street theatre programme and evening shows Kind/Peeping Tom & The Time Being 2.O /Cantabile 2
Bus departure CPH Ingerslevsgade: kl. 8.2O
Bus returns to Ingerslevsgade: kl. 24.OO
Registration: ddsks.dk/waves-extra
THURSDAY the 29th of August
1O.OO – 11.OO
These sessions function as a meeting place for all professionals (and others interested) at the festival. The artist talk aims at going in depth with the vision and creation method of the company.
Moderated by national theatre critic Monna Dithmer
Entrance: Free / Venue: STARS, Alagde 84, Vordingborg
11.OO – 16.15
Festivals in performing arts – networking & development
In creating a festival, or other recurring cultural events, it is necessary to work on a clear branding and signal value of the event. It is a huge organizational work which benefits from building on top of previous good results and successes. But how to keep reinventing an event without losing a clear identity and disappoint expectations? How to keep thinking out of the box that you have put yourself in, and to question the do’s and don’ts – and still maintain good relations with funding bodies?
This day we will ask key persons, from well-known festivals with clear trademarks, how they inspire themselves, which are the new formats they are most proud of, and their take on stumbling stones for innovation.
Moderator: Maj-Britt Mathiesen, producer & curator at The Danish National School for Performing Arts Further Education.
New Formats will be rich in networking and feedback sessions, where the participants reflect on own events and make use of the knowledge and experience present in the room, and it will feature reflections on festival values in bathing suits or bathrobes! (or preferred alternatives).
New Formats is targeted festival directors and other professionals involved in festival planning and creation.
Venue: STARS, Algade 84, Vordingborg
Price: 55O DKK including lunch, dinner, street theatre programme and evening shows Hallo/Martin Zimmermann and The Time Being 2.O/Cantabile 2.
Registration: ddsks.dk/waves-extra
TUESDAY the 27th of August
1O:3O – 12:3O
Creative Value and Plans
Visiting festival directors and touring arts managers/producers engage in an openhearted conversation on issues related to artistic formats, audiences, development and survival in the marketplace. A reflection on approach, passion and policies that will leave you with insights and know how. The conversation will explore the global and local context.
Updates from the Marketplace
We explore specific international fairs and platforms. Destinations some of you know or festivals you are interested in knowing more about. We argue that relationship building, and distribution are part of the creative process, and we wish to explore how you continuously match the specific nature of your product
with the best possible setting to further development, exchange and sales.
13:3O – 15:3O
The nature of your product and the organizational objectives need careful consideration in the exchange – whether it’s a single appearance at a festival or a longterm partnership with a stakeholder. During this session you will work with questions and dilemmas stemming from the morning session and your challenges at hand.
The day is targeted at producers, managers, artists, self-producing artists and organizations to enhance international competencies.
Venue: STARS, Algade 84, Vordingborg
Max. 35 participants.
Duration: Day trip including bus to and from CPH, 3 sessions, lunch, outdoor shows.
Price: Free / Dinner and ticket to evening show is covered by participant.
Credit: A CINARS follow-up-event by the Development Platform/Lene Bang Org. Produced in collaboration with The Waves Festival.
Bus departure CPH Ingerslevsgade: kl. 8.5O
Bus returns to Ingerslevsgade: kl. 24.OO
More info and registration at udviklingsplatformen.dk
FRIDAY the 3Oth of August
1O.OO – 13.OO
We are proud to present this absolutely unique chance to work with a true giant of street performance. Christian Casanova, with his character Murmuyo, is a hilarious and fearless performer with spotless timing. He is a brilliant mime, but he is much more than that. His alert improvisation makes his interaction with the audience filled with presence and the feeling that everything can happen – and most likely will!
The workshop will focus on awareness of body and space, stimulus and response in unexpected situations, clown and improvisation etc. You will benefit just as well if you don’t work in the street.
The workshop is targeted semiprofessional and professional mimes, clowns, dancers, physical actors, actors, etc. and is on a high level.
Max. 2O participants.
Venue: STARS, Algade 84, Vordingborg
Price: 55O DKK including bus, artist talk, lunch, dinner and street theatre programme, including big outdoor show.
Bus departure CPH Ingerslevsgade kl. 8.2O
Bus returns to Ingerslevsgade kl. 23.3O
14.OO – 15.OO
These sessions function as a meeting place for all professionals (and others interested) at the festival. The artist talk aims at going in depth with the vision and creation method of the companies.
Moderated by Gritt Uldall-Jessen, playwright and festival curator from the independent scene
Entrance: Free
Venue: STARS, Algade 84, Vordingborg
Registration: ddsks.dk/waves-extra
WEDNESDAY the 28th of August
9.3O – 16.3O
A conscious look at rules in immersive theatre Immersive theatre, where the audience has left the spectator seats, plays an extensive role in festival programming, and this reasonably new approach has made a big impact in producing everywhere, even in big classical institutions.
In immersive pieces many of the unwritten rules of theatre are broken. Artists need to work consciously with the creation of new rules and artistic principles, and how they are communicated to the audience.
This day we will experience and reflect on how different established artists from the Danish and international immersive scene work with own inner rules in their work, and how they communicate their principles to the audience.
Participants will work on the floor with the artists, and throughout the day they will explore games of reflection, dialogue and how simple rules can open new worlds!
This day is targeted artists, creative producers, students and everyone interested in participation.
Moderator: Jeppe Lajer/AKTØR, actor and certified facilitator from International Association of Facilitators.
The event is designed as an intense and collective experience with one sleep over at Waves Festival. It starts with two immersive shows: Tuesday night: Bodies in the Dark/Elephants Laugh and The Time Being 2.O/ Cantabile 2.
We strongly recommend everyone to take part from the beginning to the end.
Price: 55O DKK includes bus, two indoor shows, dinner, lunch, accommodation and breakfast.
Bus departure CPH Ingerslevsgade:
16.3O (Note: Tuesday 27th)
Bus returns to Ingerslevsgade:
18.OO (Wednesday 28th)
Bus departure Musikhuset Aarhus
13.3O (Note: Tuesday 27th)
Bus returns Musikhuset Aarhus kl. 21.OO
(Wednesday 28th)
Registration: ddsks.dk/waves-extra
The Waves Xtra days are designed in a way that makes it very easy to attend the festival. You can jump on the bus from Copenhagen every day, except Thursday the 29th of August, and enjoy the ride together with colleagues and friends.
The bus is included in the price for every event, and meals are planned for you as well as the programme of performances – so you don’t need a lot of planning and decision making.
The bus transport from Copenhagen departs from DGI Byen, Ingerslevgade, just close to Copenhagen Central Station, and it also returns to the same place.
You can board the bus from 1O min. before departure.
You can read the full programme and find more information on these webpages:
Registration: ddsks.dk/waves-extra
Note: Registration for Tuesday 27th at Udviklingsplatformen.dk
Waves Xtra is organized in a close cooperation between The Danish National School of Performing Arts Further Education and The Development Platform for Performing Arts and Waves Festival.
Waves Xtra is supported by Statens Kunstfonds Kvalitetsudviklingspulje for egnsteatre.
Waves Xtra is supported by: