Le Galactik Ensemble (FR)



Duration: 40 min | Age: ALL AGES

Since the five acrobats of Le Galactik Ensemble started collaborating ten years ago, they have developed what they call situation acrobatics. Rather than pure circus skills, it is their research into the relation between people and a hostile environment that laid the foundation of their work. They explore our relationship with unstable, perhaps even hostile surroundings and our ability to adjust. In their performances, they explore groups and individuals who are faced with unpredictable and risky situations. The ensemble create pieces in which acrobatic movement does not appear as a honed skill but as a necessity, an urge. They strive to infiltrate the real world and challenge the audience.

www.galactikensemble.com/ // facebook // instagram

Pavillon K, Skovvej 2

27.08 FRIDAY 17.15

28.08 SATURDAY 14.30

Free admission


Cast: Mathieu Bleton, Mosi Espinoza, Jonas Julliand, Karim Messaoudi, Cyril Pernot
Technical management: Victor Fernandes
Stage management: Charles Rousseau
Graphics and communication: Maëva Longvert
Production and distribution: Léa Couqueberg
Production: Emilie Leloup
Production: Le Galactik Ensemble
Support: DRAC, Île-de-France, DGCA / Ministère de la Culture, SACD / Processus Cirque, ADAMI