WAVES Festival is the meeting with art, but also the meeting between people. The latter is paramount when we open WAVES Night Café every night in the cozy surroundings of SmallSTARS. Here, both artists and festival guests go when the evening’s performances are over, to talk about the day’s impressions and digest the good experiences with something cold from the bar. It is a cozy and relaxed atmosphere, where many friendships over the years have been made across art forms and national borders. There is always free admission, and if the weather is right, we can also move out into the open air in the courtyard at Stars. The night café is open from Monday 23 August and the rest of the week, between 20.00 and 24.00. See you at Waves’ Night Café.
SmallSTARS, Algade 84
23.8.-26.8. KL. 20.00-24.00