Egnsteatret i Vordingborg Kommune (DK)
Duration: 45 min. | Language: Danish or English | Age: 7 - 13 years
Silence is always here.
It is here now – underneath all the sounds.
You can sense it especially when when you are close to nature, you can feel it when you are very close to another person, when you immerse yourself in tranquillity and let time stand still.
Often, however, it can be difficult to find silence.
Because there’s so much noise in the world, and we have so many things on our to-do lists.
But if you listen carefully, you can hear the silence.
It is here – right this moment.
Can you hear it?
We seldom pay attention to silence. But if you dive into it, you start to experience the world in a different way – an attentive way. Hardly noticeable sounds gain significance. It becomes more clear what is important.
We all wear headphones in the performance, both the audience and the performers. You are enfolded in a universe of sounds, where performers whisper directly into your ear. What you hear is integrated with what you see happening on stage. Yet, what you see is not all what the performance is made of. In fact, the performance is created through your mental images.
During the performance, while we all experience resting in the embrace of silence, we also engage with each other through simple physical movements. To deepen and enhance the experience of sound and silence, we use binaural sound.
Pavillon K, Skovvej 2, 15.30
Ticket sale here
Idea: Siri Haff Andersen
Development: Siri Haff Andersen, Karolina Pietrzykowska, Sandra Yi Sencindiver og Lasse Munk
Director: Sandra Yi Sencindiver
Cast and production: Karolina Pietrzykowska og Siri Haff Andersen
Sound design: Lasse Munk
Light design: Per Aagaard
Consultant: Nullo Facchini
Text: Siri Haff Andersen, Karolina Pietrzykowska
Sounddesign assistant: Kevin Buster Mortensen
Costumes: Helle Iuel
Photos: Per Rasmussen
Video trailer: Jacob Stage
Grafic design: Lone Fomsgaard
Project manager of Sanseværk: Siri Haff Andersen
Producer: Emilie Storm Petersen
PR & Marketing: Emilie Storm Petersen
Administration: Helle Iuel
Production: Sanseværk as a part of the Regional Theatre of Vordingborg Municipality
The performance was created in close cooperation with the artistic team.
Thanks to Ester, Isolde, Linus, Lulu, Maren og Nikolai for being photographed.
Thanks to children from Skoleklub Iselinge for speech about their thought about silence.
Thanks to all the children, who gave very helpful feedback after rehearsals.
Thanks to Vordingborg Municipality for making it possible for Sansværk to present the performance to schools in the municipality.